Trail Rules
Trail Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Allowable Trail Uses: Hiking, walking. jogging, bicycling, cross-country skiing, rollerblading, skateboarding, bird watching, motorized wheelchairs (for handicap access only)
Disallowable Trail Uses: Horses, Motorcycles, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Camping
Contacts while on the trail: To report non-emergencies contact the Sheriff’s Office at 753-8371.
To report emergencies, dial 911.
1. Enjoy your day on the Flint River Trail.
Here are a few things you can do on your own or with a group: walk, jog, run; ride a bike; cross-country ski; bird watch, observe other wildlife; identify animal tracks, birdcalls, trees, or wildflowers; walk your dog; visit historic buildings and museums; have a picnic, read a book, stargaze; get a closer look at working farms; write poetry, take photographs, draw pictures, sing, make new friends!!
2. Courtesy
The Flint River Trail is a multi-use recreational trail. Bike riders, please control your speed, ride on the right, and pass on the left. Please give warning of your approach with a friendly greeting or use a bell. Cyclists should yield the right of way to pedestrians. Everyone should yield to wheelchairs at all times.
3. Leave No Marks.
Do not litter or disturb livestock. Be aware that the trail’s crushed limestone surface is especially vulnerable to damage during the freeze/thaw cycle in the winter and spring. Please avoid using the trail if you can leave impressions in the surface. Wildflowers, trees, & shrubs, and animal habitat can only flourish if left alone.
4. Stay on open trails only.
Respect trail and road closures, as well as private property adjacent to the trail. Trespassing is illegal and will be enforced. Exercise caution when crossing roads and highways
5. Hunting and Trapping are not allowed on the trail, except in designated hunting areas.
The areas designated at this time by the Conservation Board as hunting areas are Hickory Bend Recreation Area and Leopold Recreation Area. Weapons MUST be unloaded when on the trail. All other State Hunting Codes must be followed
6. No unauthorized motor vehicles are allowed on any portion of the trail.
7. Horseback riding is not allowed on the trail.
8. Fires are allowed in provided grills only, and liquor and unleashed animals are not allowed on the trail.
9. Camping is not allowed on the trail itself. Designated camping areas nearby are posted.
10. User pass is not required to use your trail. Children under the age of 10 should be accompanied by a responsible adult.